NLCIO: The National Laboratories Chief Information Officers


 Latest News:

NLCIO issues whitepaper on Contractor Assurance Systems for cyber security in the Department of Energy more>

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NLCIO response to recent DOE Inspector General report on unclassified cyber security more>

 Our Point of View:

Early lessons from cloudsourcing in the National Labs more>

Reinventing risk based cyber security in the Department of Energy more>

The CIOs of the National Laboratories (formerly SLCCC) are responsible for the stewardship of the Information Technology assets of the “crown jewels” of the National research infrastructure: The National Laboratories. The Department of Energy (DOE) supports a distributed information technology infrastructure to meet the scientific information, computation, and communication requirements of its many programs and the management and administrative activities of its workforce and laboratories. The NLCIO's purpose is to advise DOE laboratory directors and to provide an interface to DOE organizations on issues in computing and information processing. The NLCIO also functions as a forum for information exchange, consensus building, and coordination of the major activities in scientific computing and information processing.

The Laboratories are a diverse set of research institutions, managed and operated by Contractors for the Department of Energy/NSSA, working on national problems of scale.

As the home of some of the most cutting edge computing and information technology in use in the world, the Laboratories are recognized leaders in implementing advanced systems for research and development, and in securing these systems.

We invite you to explore the National Laboratories and discover how our world class research facilities are delivering solutions to National problems in Science, Energy, Environment, and Defense.

For more information about the NLCIO, please contact us.

Current NLCIO Charter

Historical SLCCC Charter

Letter Initiating SLCCC and Historical Information